How does Free Play Arcade work?
The Short Version: guests pay an entrance fee of $12.49 plus tax* per person in return for admission to one of our amazing Free Play Arcade locations** with unlimited access for the day to all of our incredible (and authentic) arcade and pinball machines. Once inside, you’ll also want to try something from our award-winning bar, a refreshing craft soda, or a delicious meal.
* Our admission price doesn’t change often, but it happens occasionally. If the admission price changes this page will be updated accordingly. If you are planning an event or party in the near future and a small admission pricing increase would be material to you, feel free to inquire with our event coordinator as to whether any pricing increases are expected by the date of your event.
** Fun fact: you can use your Free Play wristband to visit as many Free Play locations as you want to that day! It is even possible to hit all 5 on a Saturday or Sunday (but it would be a big challenge)!
The Longer Version: for those so inclined, great discoveries await. Start by poking around in these FAQs or elsewhere on Then check out social media pages, join our community group at, and subscribe to our email list at Once you’re hooked into the Free Play stream, you will learn everything there is to know about Free Play.
Why are Free Play Arcades the best arcades ever?
In 2015, Free Play emerged as the very first of a new style of arcade where unlimited gameplay was combined with a full-service kitchen and bar. In pioneering a new iteration of gaming experience and exploring the unknown, we knew we wanted our arcade to be unique and special in the industry. We actively avoided and ignored all of the lame gimmicks and other ways arcades were taking advantage of their customers. Instead, we focused on quality, vibe, and delivering an incredible time for a great price.
But as the first of our type, we had to be an unimpeachable example for the industry and we authored the “new arcade rules to live by”:
1. At an arcade, the games should be real. That means authentic gameplay on original circuit boards. In a world where you can play poor copies of these great games on your phone, we knew we needed to work extra hard to ensure our games are in the best possible condition, running the right code through the right chips, and displaying the game on the right screens. Ten years ago, this was an incredibly difficult task. Today, Free Play might be the only arcade chain in the nation still honoring this rule.
2. While it’s our job to deliver the impossible, your job is only to have fun. When you come to Free Play, you should be free to explore an incredible selection of games, enjoy top quality food and beverages, and escape your troubles. So at Free Play, we offer quality products at a fair price with excellent service in the perfect arcade environment.
3. If you build it (and follow Rules 1 and 2), they will come. Rather than spend our resources on cheesy marketing, we spend them on ensuring quality because we know your first time at Free Play will not be your last. On average, our customers will visit Free Play three more times within the 12 months after their first visit.
Over the years, with only these 3 rules, Free Play has become the most awarded and acclaimed arcade in history, and, most importantly, we’ve ensured that everyone in DFW has access to the very best arcades in the nation.
And if nothing else, there is nothing quite like the feeling of being at Free Play when the vibe is right. We have been a significant part of countless meaningful moments and we are excited about many more to come. Come and experience it for yourself!
Are you all ages? Are there any age restrictions or a curfew?
We love seeing new generations fall in love with our games and, everyday, we’re all ages until 9:00 PM. All children under 13 must be supervised by an adult at all times (most kids do just fine, but the games can break if manhandled and things like Skee-Ball can be a little perilous without adult supervision).
After 9:00 PM, there are a few rules to be aware of: (1) all of our locations go to 18 years of age and up at 9 p.m. Monday – Wednesday; (2) on Thursdays, Richardson, Arlington, Ft. Worth, and Dallas go 18 years of age and up at 9 p.m. while Denton goes to 21+ and (3) all of our locations go to 21 years of age and up at 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
And before you ask, we cannot make an exception to the 9:00 PM curfew. Obviously we’d like to make as much money as possible but both our insurance and TABC licenses require that we abide strictly by our age policies (and in Richardson, the requirement is actually a city ordinance). Failure to abide by those policies could result in losing our insurance, our TABC licenses, or even our total ability to operate.
Do you have any admission discounts available?
Our regular admission price is one of the best values you can find and, while we are organized as a for-profit business, Free Play’s regular business practices convert would-be profits into increased pay and benefits for staff and better experiences for our customers. Your admission fees make everything we do possible and we cannot adjust them lightly.
Even so, there are a few ways to knock your admission fee down a bit (for reference, our regular admission is currently $12.49 plus tax)*:
- With a valid school ID (student/teacher/staff) or qualifying Veteran’s ID card**, we offer a $8.99 plus tax admission (please note that your valid ID must be presented at the time of service to receive a discount);
- For the first hour we are open every weekday (M-F), we offer early bird admissions for only $6.99 plus tax. Usually this is from 3-4pm, but it moves up when we open early (such as holidays, winter break, summer break). If you are planning on taking advantage of this special, check with the location website prior to planning your visit;
- On Mother’s Day, mothers get in free. On Father’s Day, fathers get in free. On Veterans Day, both active-duty service members and veterans get in free;
- If you want to visit multiple times a month, it might be a discount to purchase a monthly membership (see Not only do you get unlimited entry to the arcade during membership, you have access to additional benefits; and
- If you are a tax-exempt organization paying for admissions or non-alcoholic food/drink, your expenditures will be tax-exempt with a valid Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (please note, individuals self-paying are not eligible for their organization’s tax-exempt status).
* Any potential discount offered here is subject to availability and may be canceled at any time.
** Qualifying Veteran’s ID cards include: a current VA VIC, a current VA HID, a Veteran’s Stamped Driver’s License, or an active DOD ID Card.
What should I know about your hours?
Regular Days: all Free Play locations open at 3pm Monday through Friday and at 11am on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday through Wednesday, all locations close at 11pm. Please check your selected location’s website for Thursday closing times as these vary between locations. All locations then close at 2am Friday and Saturday.
Special Days: Now, having said all that, there are several things that might affect our public hours on any given day. During winter break, summer break, holidays, and similar we often do “early opens,” meaning we open at 11am on those weekdays too. Next, we occasionally (with more frequency November-January) close an arcade to the public for a private rental. Finally, we occasionally host ticketed parties (most frequently in October for Halloween and on New Year’s Eve) that can change the cost or availability of access to an arcade for the day. The very best place to get information about our current hours is the website for the location of your interest (ex: The location website is where we post upcoming early opens and private closures. We also try really hard to keep Google updated correctly (although sometimes Google makes it hard!). If you are planning a visit, it’s never a bad idea to check our website just to make sure before making the drive!
What if I want to come inside, but don’t intend to play?
Other than children 2 years of age and under, an admission is required for all entrants to the arcade. Free Play runs an unlimited-use, admission-based model (not unlike Disney World or other entertainment venues). An admission comes with access to our venue and its amenities, including unlimited gameplay for the day. The idea is one up-front, straight-forward, and fair price. Our games are all set to free play, so there is no risk to trying any or all of the games, and there is no demographic that hasn’t had a blast at Free Play. We have built the most awarded arcade lineups in history so that, even if you have no gaming experience, you can have a blast and make lasting memories with friends and family. And if someone ultimately just does not want to give it a shot, we’re not going to force anyone, but an admission fee is still required for entry.
And with all of that said, we are not monsters and are willing to consider an exception for an unusual and extenuating circumstance. Please note that only our corporate office and location GMs have the authority to grant an exception for extenuating circumstances, so please ask in advance.
Do you charge the same for kids, adults, infants, and/or toddlers?
Before we opened, we spent time testing the right age to charge an admission fee for children. In that testing, we learned that a 3 year-old not only plays and enjoys just about all of the games at Free Play, they also take up a player spot just the same as an adult. As such, all guests 3 and older are charged the same low admission fee. (Although do note the various available discounts above!) We have stools available in the event your little one needs a boost – just ask our staff.
Where can I find a calendar of your special events / tournaments?
Our current event/tournament calendar is posted regularly at (search “calendar” if you are having trouble locating the post) and updated often at
What games do you have?
Since we rotate games frequently and have a huge warehouse full of more games and projects, it can change quickly! We do keep an updated list for each location on their respective websites they are updated very frequently these days and are usually accurate, though a super recent change may not yet be reflected. You can find each locations’ games lists at the links below:
Do you have Special Events?
Many! Special events constantly pop up throughout the year at different locations, so we really recommend joining our email lists and community group for those notifications. See a rundown of some of our regular offerings here (but please check our event listings for changes before coming out):
- Killer Halloween Parties @ all locations (mid to late October): event details vary from year to year, so keep an eye out for next season’s offerings. These are often ticketed event that can and do sell out, so make sure to take a gander as soon as event details are released!
- Unmissable NY Eve Parties @ all locations (NY Eve): The rub is you can only attend one per year! Each one is a magical and unique experience, so keep an eye out for each year and location’s specifics, released as close to December 1 as possible. These are always ticketed events that can and do sell out, so don’t sleep on getting your tickets once they become available!
- Zombie Columbus Day: While everyone else debates whether or not we should even have a Columbus Day, we’ll be spending the day searching for his brain-hungry animated corpse in our arcade-wide Zombie Columbus Seek-and-Find!
- Fab Movies on the Rooftop @ Free Play Ft. Worth – Seasonally: This year we did a 80s movie series in the fall and a short holiday series this winter, but keep a lookout for offerings in the spring as well. (see current calendar here).
- Friday Nights with DJ Terminator Mike B @ Free Play Arlington – Fridays @ 9:30pm – 12:30pm
- Throwback Thursdays with DJ Terminator Mike B @ Free Play Dallas – Thursdays @ 9pm – Midnight
- DJ Blake Ward/Guest DJs @ Free Play Dallas – Saturdays @ 10pm – 2am
- Discovery Squad @ Free Play Richardson – Wednesdays @ 7pm: A weekly exploration of arcade history through all the weird, bad, or strangely enjoyable games that might not normally make it on to the floor. Every week features a different game. No skill or experience required – everyone is welcome, just come out and have fun!
- SMASH @ Free Play Richardson – Thursdays @ 7pm: often DFWs biggest weekly SMASH meetup (Super SMASH Bros Ultimate)
- SMASH @ Free Play Denton – Tuesdays @ 7pm: Largest weekly SMASH meetup in Denton county, home to some of the top talent in the region (Super SMASH Bros Ultimate)
- SMASH @ Free Play Dallas – Mondays @ 7pm: our newest SMASH offering in our newest digs (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo @ Free Play Richardson – Tuesdays @ 7pm: Casual Meetups
- YOMI @ Free Play Denton – Wednesday @ 7pm: Our primary FGC meetup, with a slight anime emphasis
- Free Bees Killer Queen @ Free Play Richardson –Wednesdays @ 7pm: Casuals
- Killer Queen @ Free Play Arlington – Wednesdays @ 7pm: Casuals Monthly
- Pinball Monday @ Free Play Arlington – 1st Monday of the Month @ 7pm: Open, casual-friendly pinball tournament open to anyone with admission to the arcade.
- Pinball Monday @ Free Play Dallas – 2 nd Monday of the Month @ 7pm: Open, casual-friendly pinball tournament open to anyone with admission to the arcade.
- Pinball Monday @ Free Play Denton – 3 rd Monday of the Month @ 7pm: Open, casual-friendly pinball tournament open to anyone with admission to the arcade.
- Thunderdome Thursday (Killer Queen) @ Free Play Denton – 4th Thursday of the Month @ 8pm: Open, casual-friendly Killer Queen Tournament.
- The Famous KQ Takeover @ Free Play Arlington – First Friday of the Month @ 7pm: Open, casual-friendly tournament with a varying cast of characters (often on skates).
I'm interested in one of your gaming events but I'm nervous about just showing up unannounced!
Free Play has what might be the largest arcade community group in the world and, at one point, we were all new and intimidated. That’s why we work so hard to make our events easily approachable to everyone. That said, we can also understand the feelings of anxiety or nervousness. If you’re looking for more information, feel free to email our community liaison and let him know you are a newbie who is interested in coming out for X event. If he is running the event he can look out for you and give you the full introduction, otherwise he can pass on your information to whoever is running the event and they will do the same!
Can I speak to someone on the phone?
To maximize our quality of service while keeping our prices low, we do not have phones at the arcade locations.
If you think you left something or lost something at a Free Play location, head back to the location during open hours and ask the staff or doorperson for the best and quickest service.
Hopefully, any other information you need about Free Play can be found in these FAQS or otherwise on our website(s). If that doesn’t work, we operate pretty nimbly by email. If you aren’t sure who to email, start with She will forward your email to the appropriate person or figure out the answer for you. (Please give us a business day or two to respond.)
Where do I park at Free Play Arcade?
@ Richardson: Easy: just park in the shopping center parking lot. It’s not the most beautiful lot but it does have plenty of spaces!
@ Arlington: Free Play Arlington has its own private attached parking lot. If full, there is plentiful nearby street parking available along with the huge, free Chamber of Commerce lot across Mary street.
@ Fort Worth: In addition to the small, dedicated parking lot we share with our neighbors and plentiful street parking, the free 1201 Alston Ave (Magnolia Green) Garage is conveniently located less than a block from Free Play Ft. Worth. There are also pay lots in the vicinity if you prefer paying for parking.
@ Denton: Free Play Denton is less than a block away from the free Williams Square Public lot, which is the best place to park for Free Play Denton visits! There are also more than 2,000 other parking spots available in Downtown Denton and you can find them all on this handy map.
@ Dallas: There are many parking lots in the commercial part of the Trinity Groves development, and you are free to park in any (provided you don’t park in spots clearly reserved for valet or similar services). The east, gated, paved lot is frequently a valet lot on the weekends. However, there is an immediately adjacent free gravel lot (between Free Play and bridge) in addition to the free main lots. Finally, there is a retail garage directly across from the art park that is covered, super secure, and always has spots.
Do you sell Free Play Merchandise?
Yes – lots (and a lot of it is pretty cool, if we say so ourselves)! Visit us at for our full selection (local pickup available) or see what we have in-stock on location on your next visit.
Do you sell gift cards?
We do! You can get them here.
I opened a tab and forgot to close it out! Help!
We close out left tabs at the end of the night, so that part is already taken care of (please note that, per the signage on our registers, we charge a 20% auto-gratuity on left card tabs). Come back and get your card though!
I lost something at the arcade, what should I do?
We maintain lost and founds in all of our locations. If we find something with contact information attached, we will reach out and see if we can connect with you. You are also always welcome to return during open hours and see if your lost item has turned up.
If you want to check before you make the trip, email (please specify which location you visited) and she will forward your email to the appropriate location so they can check on it for you as soon as possible. Please note that lost and founds do get emptied periodically, so please don’t wait too long to check in on a lost item.
I would like to take engagement / senior / other formal pictures in your arcade; can I?
How flattering! Our insurance does not permit large 3rd-party photo shoots during our normal hours of operation, but we can make our venue available for your formal photos an hour before we open on weekdays. If you are interested in arranging a photo shoot, please contact and copy
I would like to shoot a music video or otherwise film in our arcade; can I?
Thanks for thinking of us! Our insurance prohibits large 3rd-party filming during regular business hours, but we might be able to work something out outside of regular business hours. For us to consider your proposal, please email the specifics of what you are requesting to and copy The more detail you provide, the easier it is to evaluate the feasibility of your request.
I want to work at Free Play! How do I apply?
Thanks for your confidence in us! Go ahead and send your resume/letter of interest/ whatever you have over to (please make sure to mention which location and position type(s) you are interested in). Jessica would be happy to forward your email to the appropriate GM.
Will you open early for my group?
Typically, we only open early for occasional holidays or for private venue rentals. Believe it or not, even on weekdays when we open at 3 p.m., staff is usually present on location first thing in the morning cleaning, repairing our games, taking in deliveries, changing our game line-ups, having meetings, etc. As a result, our daytime pre-open hours are vital to our operations and not something we alter lightly. You can see our private venue rental information in each venue’s event brochure. Otherwise, we are open to listening to interesting proposals (please provide as many details as possible), but please know that we receive such inquiries regularly and almost always have to decline.
Would you be interested in participating with our charity / fundraiser?
We pride ourselves on our strong civic involvement and often participate in various charitable endeavors. We have run an amazing 25-hour event in our Arlington location raising money with Extra Life for Cook’s Children’s hospitals; we have sponsored the Tarrant County CASA Fun Run and Dallas Childrens’ Theatre; we have partnered with the Make-A-Wish Foundation; we have hosted and contributed to various 501(c) fundraisers; and we have set-up a couple of particularly rare games to collect quarters for the North Texas Food Bank. For more information about fundraising, see our Fundraising & Spirit Nights one-sheet. For donation and other requests, please email
Would you be interested in hosting my tournament / meet-up / gaming-related watch party?
We are always interested in great, mutually beneficial partnerships and events. Please note that primary considerations in assessing a potential partnership will invariably include the financial impact and impact to our regular customers/staff. With that in mind, please email your proposal with as many details as you have at your disposal to so we can consider it.
Free Play is the best! Have you ever considered franchising?
Thank you so much for your patronage and confidence in us! However, franchising doesn’t seem like something in the cards for us. We are 100% family owned and feel very happy and fortunate with things just as they are. In any event, our exact business model isn’t exactly designed for franchise. We probably aren’t done growing though! Who knows? Maybe it will be your town next.
I want to have a party or other event at Free Play! Where do I get more information?
- Here in these FAQS; and
- (there is a contact form if you have additional questions after reviewing our website and materials).
How do I discuss an event in person or by telephone?
While many events will require us to work together by phone or in person, it is our strong preference to handle the early steps of event planning through our contact forms / email. That way, we both have an easy starting reference point as we plan the event. No matter what, it’s best to find useful information and start planning your event by visiting Please fill out our Party Inquiry Form if and when you are ready to start discussing your event (unless of course you have answers to all your questions already/are ready to book through our online system).
How far in advance of my event do I need to submit a Party Inquiry Form?
As soon as possible! How quickly we can pull together your event depends on the event’s complexity and our existing calendar, but if it’s not at least a week in advance of your event, your options are likely limited to reserving a table and pre-ordering food through our self-service online booking system.
I filled out a Party Inquiry Form and haven’t heard back. What do I do?
Our party specialists normally respond to inquiries via email Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. through 3 p.m. Though we aim for a prompt response, it may take a business day to respond to your inquiry.
If it has been more than a business day, check your spam folder and ensure that Gayle’s response did not inadvertently get miscategorized. If it has been a business day and the message is not in your spam folder, we deeply apologize! Please email us at, and/or We will get back to you asap (and work on fixing whatever prevented our timely response).
I want to reserve a table / pre-order food within 48 hours of my event and your online system won’t let me.
We are so sorry! To maximize our event quality, we cannot accommodate table reservations, pre-ordered food, and similar within 48 hours of the event. That said, we are a great destination for an awesome impromptu party (see the Non-Private Parties section below for more information).
I made an online reservation, but now I need to cancel and I would like a refund.
We apologize, but as indicated on the booking website, all online reservations and bookings are non-refundable. However, as long as we have not begun preparing your food or incurred other costs associated with your booking, we would be happy to move your reservation to a later date at no charge.
I am arranging a company party; do you have any team-building options available?
Yes! Please see our Team-Building brochure.
Do you offer private venue rentals?
What does a private venue rental cost?
The pricing and minimum food and beverage requirements for a private event rental varies by day, time, location, etc. This information can be found in each location’s party information brochure and Early Open Venue Pricing one-sheet.
How is the venue rental fee set?
Please keep in mind that our location is regularly open to the public and that we must close (or prep and staff early) for your private event. Every time we close we forfeit our regular business and inconvenience our normal customer base. Our venue rental fees are set accordingly. We do offer weekday lunch or happy-hour rentals as a considerably more reduced rates. Regardless, we understand a private venue rental is a considerable expense and is most cost-effective for a large party. As an alternative, you might consider a semi-private patio rental at available locations or a non-private event during our regular business hours.
Do holidays or similar affect private venue rental pricing?
Depending on the date, private venue rentals may not be available on holidays (or may only be available at extra cost). In addition, because our weekday lunch and happy hour pricing is based on the business interruption involved with our normal 3 p.m. weekday opening time, the cost of these venue rentals is higher on early open weekdays.
What does a "food & beverage minimum" mean?
Your food and beverage minimum means you must spend a minimum of the amount indicated on food, beverages, and team-building services provided by Free Play (and we have been known to include merchandise in a pinch). Tip and service charge do not count towards your minimum, nor do outside vendors booked on your behalf by Free Play. If you do not meet your minimum, the balance will be owed as a fee to bring you up to your minimum; however, we would much prefer to find a way for you to get actual value for your money. If you have concerns about meeting your minimum, please discuss options with us in advance so that we can find a way to make your minimum work for you.
What food and beverage options are available?
We have a number of standard options but can work with you on a custom menu, drink package, and/or event-themed cocktail as well. Please see your chosen venue’s party information brochure for more information. A complimentary self-serve ice water station is provided in addition to any food and beverage selections.
Where can I see the specific beverage options available for my party?
Part of the reason our bars are so very award-winning is that we offer highly-curated and constantly rotating drink selections. Our bars are all full bars with a full compliment of liquor, beer, cider, ales, wine, and – seasonally – mead). We are happy to provide a current packaged product and cocktail menu for your chosen location upon request, but please be aware that many of those specific products may have switched with other products by the time of your event (outside of the big domestics). At 3 of our locations, you can see our current draft lists in real time: Free Play Dallas, Free Play Denton (click menus 1-4 for all products), & Free Play Fort Worth (click menus 1-2 for all products). At Free Play Richardson (8 draft beer taps) and Free Play Arlington (10 draft beer taps) our draft lists are chalkboard-only. Whenever we pop a keg, we clean the line and change the beer, so these menus change almost daily. Our liquor products also rotate with some frequency and can include everything from wells to some pretty high-end whiskies. If there is something specific you are looking for, please inquire with Gayle. We will let you know if we have it (and if we don’t, it is entirely possible we can get it for your event). Finally, in addition to our regular cocktail menu, our bartenders can and do regularly make standard and creative off-menu drinks for patrons. If you are interested in a custom cocktail or cocktail menu for your event, let us know!
I am considering an open bar. Should I implement price caps or other restrictions?
At all of our locations, it is possible to order a high alcohol content and/or a rare/expensive drink. If you are considering caps on alcohol content, we recommend policies like “no doubles” and if you are considering caps on pricing we recommend capping at $10-$12 per drink, depending on your budget (this offers a wide selection). If you want set a spend cap below $10, we recommend using our drink tickets instead, which are $6 per ticket and good for all items priced $7 and under (and offer a pretty great selection regardless).
Do you allow outside caterers?
Yes (but only for private events). We recognize that while our food offering is perfect for a sharable, social gathering, you may have something else specific in mind for your unique event. We keep a list of caterers our guests have used in the past, but you are welcome to use the caterer of your choice, excepting our Dallas location where catering is limited to Trinity Grove establishments per our lease. Any outside caterer you use must have a current health certificate and will need to add Free Play Inc. to their insurance as an additional insured for the day of the event. Please note that if you choose to use an outside caterer, you will still be responsible for your Free Play food and drink minimums.
When is my party "booked"?
We require a signed contract and paid deposit to finalize a reservation for your event (please make sure to make note of deadlines to change/finalize details if you have not locked in your final selections and guest count at this time).
What are the deposit requirements?
Generally, the deposit is the greater of 30% of the venue rental fee or 100% of your food and beverage selections. In certain instances, such as a venue rental during peak hours, the required deposit may be higher.
When is final payment for my event due?
Final payment is due no later than 72 hours prior to your event.
What payment methods do you accept?
Free Play accepts all major credit cards for all party bookings, as well as institutional checks. For credit card payments, Free Play will invoice you through our Square invoice system via email. Check payments must be received by payment due dates at our corporate mailing address (and please let us know to keep an eye out if mailing a check):
Free Play Inc.
805 Alpha Drive
Richardson, TX 75081Are there any common payment issues I need to be aware of?
Just one really: If you are paying by credit card, and you are booking a large event, you may run afoul of your daily / monthly / corporate credit card limit(s). If this could be an issue, please check and, if necessary, secure an increase to your credit card limit prior to attempting any payment on your Square invoice. Please note that credit card limits can include a total expenditure cap, a daily cap, a monthly cap, and/or a transaction size cap. We take two payments – a deposit and a final payment – for all large events (although you are also welcome to pay in full immediately). If you need us to take a larger deposit to split your payment more evenly, please let us know.
When is my final guest count due?
Your final guest count, not subject to reduction, is due 7 days prior to the date of your event. If you have not provided an updated guest count within that time frame, we will proceed with the guest count in your contract. If you need to increase your guest count within 7 days of your event date, we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your request.
When is the latest I can finalize the other details of my private event?
All details for a private party/event must be finalized and confirmed with our staff at least 7 days prior to the party/event. Per person drink tickets and food costs are based on your guest count and are not subject to reduction within 7 days of your event. However, if you need to add additional food/drink tickets within 7 days of your event due to an increase in your guest count, we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your request. Please note that it is unlikely we can accommodate additional food within 48 hours of your event.
Will there be a service charge for my event?
Free Play charges a 20% Service Charge for private events. Your service charge includes standard staff and gratuity. If you would like additional staff to provide nonstandard services, there may be an additional charge (please contact our event coordinator to iron out the details). If you would like to include additional gratuity, whether before or after your event, please let us know.
How does sales tax work?
Free Play charges the current combined state and local sales tax rate on all services except the service charge associated with your event. If you are a tax-exempt organization, non-alcoholic food and drink, admissions, team-building and merchandise will be tax-exempt with a valid Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification (please note, pursuant to Texas law, individuals self-paying are not eligible for their organization’s tax-exempt status).
Is there anything I should be aware of if I plan to leave an additional tip?
Occasionally, a large party will open up a small tab for extras during the event and then leave a large tip on the relatively small tab. For example, at a very large party, one awesome client purchased a tee shirt and left the staff a $400 tip on the ~$20 shirt. This type of “oversized” tip can occasionally cause issues with our payment processor(s). If you decide to leave a large tip for the party, particularly on a comparatively small tab – thank you! – but also please do us a favor and call it to the staff’s attention. We have a procedure for running the tip separately so that we can ensure the amount is processed and distributed to our staff in accordance with your wishes, but it requires an extra swipe and signature from you before you make your way home.
What is your cancellation policy?
Because we announce the closure of our venue, turn away conflicting event inquiries, and/or begin acquiring supplies and arranging staffing for your event immediately after you reserve the space, we do not typically offer cancellations. If for some reason you believe you must cancel your event, contact us immediately so that we may explore available options based on the exact circumstances that have arisen.
When can I arrive to set up for my private event?
Your event organizer and assistants may arrive 15 minutes prior to your venue rental start time in order to conduct necessary setup provided 1) you notify our event coordinator no less than 48 hours in advance of your event that this will be happening; 2) this time is used for setup; and 3) you understand that our staff will be busy at that time making final preparations for the start of your event. If you need additional time for setup or would like your guests to arrive earlier, please contact our event coordinator for availability and pricing.
Do you have any DJ recommendations?
Yes! We have a handful of DJs we love to work with (and who are familiar with the relevant licensing requirements) and we would be happy to point you in the right direction, or even book one for you if you prefer. Let us know what you are looking for through our Party Inquiry Form so we can narrow it down to the best fit.
Can I hire my own DJ for my private event?
Probably! Please note that any DJ you hire will need to sign off on our Service Performance Contract regarding music licensing and ensure compliance with all applicable noise ordinances. DJs at our Ft. Worth and Richardson locations are welcome to plug into our electrical outlets, but otherwise will need to bring their own setups. DJs at our Arlington, Denton, and Dallas locations must use our built-in DJ booths and there is a $50 outside DJ fee to cover special event staff’s introduction of your DJ to our sound system (per your event contract, any damages your outside DJ causes to our sound system are your responsibility).
Can you arrange for a photo booth, dessert truck, or similar for my event?
We offer full-service event planning, so if you are looking for something outside our normal offerings, let us know and we will see what we can accomplish for you! Each Free Play location has different physical layouts and features that allow for different event possibilities. We have fantastic relationships with a number of vendors offering all types of services!
Will the arcade be decorated for the holidays during my event?
Our Halloween decorations go up at the very end of September or early October at all locations. In early November the Halloween decorations come down and our Christmas/Winter Holiday decorations go up. After January 1, all decorations come down until the next Halloween season. Decorations vary from year to year and location to location, but if it is material to your event we can send some pictures of past decorations or snap some of the current setup for you. Most of our decorations are time-and-labor-consuming to put up and take down and so it is unlikely we can make much, if any, adjustments for your event, but feel free to inquire with our event coordinator. You are also extremely welcome to bring your own additional decorations for your event as long as you can get them executed during the available setup time and broken down by the end of your private reservation (and as long as they won’t damage our facilities/existing decoration setup).
Can I have an impromptu party at one of your locations during normal business hours with no advance notice?
Yes! Free Play is the perfect place to celebrate almost anything and we’re so proud to have been a part of thousands of birthday parties, happy hours, and any other types of celebrations that were not booked ahead of time. That said, if you need something beyond our awesome standard offerings (for example, a reserved table, party favors, pre-ordered food, etc.), it must be booked and paid for a minimum of 48 hours in advance.
Please note that on weekend evenings we can become busy to the point that tables or similar are not always readily available. Also, for instance, if you have 100 people show up and all order food at the same time without any advanced notice, our award-winning kitchen might take a long time to get all of the orders out! But, no matter what, if you come to Free Play for an awesome impromptu party, we will help make it a success!
What should I do if I want to arrange a non-private event / party that is not impromptu?
First, make sure it’s more than 48 hours in advance of the time you want your event to happen (otherwise see above). If so, head over to! There you can check out the relevant brochures, menus, and FAQs. If you are ready to move forward with a table reservation, pre-ordered food or drink tickets, or party favors, please use the online system to book. If you have questions or want something more complex, fill out the Party Information and Inquiry Form and our event planner will get in touch (please see above information regarding our inquiry response timeline)!
Do you have private party / event rooms?
To ensure the best game lineups possible and keep the most games accessible to the public, we do not have private party rooms (sorry!). That said we do offer private, full-venue rentals, as well as non-private event options in the form of table and booth reservations. Additionally, our Arlington and Fort-Worth locations offer semi-private patio rentals (more on this below).
How does admission to the arcade work for non-private parties / events?
Aside from children under 3 years old, an admission is required for all entrants to the arcade. As of October 11, 2024, admission to all locations is $12.49 plus tax. You are welcome to pay that admission for your guests, or they can self-pay. If your guests will be paying for themselves, please don’t forget to let them know about the admission fee in advance!
How do I pay for my guests’ admissions?
The best and easiest way is to be the first of your party to arrive and set up a tab for guest admissions. If you don’t want to stand around and wait for everyone to materialize, you can give your guests a password or give our staff a guest list so that we know who to put on your admission tab. As an alternative to employing a guest admissions tab, with enough advance notice, you may arrange to prepay your admissions through our event specialist (but please note though that pre-paid admissions are non-refundable even if your actual attendance if less than you prepaid).
What if I have a party guest who doesn’t want to play any games?
We are not in the business of forcing people to play games, but other than children under 3 years of age, an admission is required for ALL entrants to the arcade. You can read in these FAQs why our admission fee is such a great deal and why we think everyone should give these games a chance.
That said, we are not monsters and are willing to consider an exception for an unusual and extenuating circumstance. Please note that only our corporate office and location GMs have the authority to grant an exception for extenuating circumstances, so please ask in advance.
I am planning on bringing/inviting children / guests under 21 years of age. Is there anything I need to be aware of?
We love seeing new generations fall in love with our games and, everyday, we’re all ages until 9:00 PM. All children under 13 must be supervised by an adult at all times (most kids do just fine, but the games can break if manhandled and things like Skee-Ball can be a little perilous without adult supervision).
After 9:00 PM, there are a few rules to be aware of: (1) all of our locations go to 18 years of age and up at 9 p.m. Monday – Wednesday; (2) on Thursdays, Richardson, Arlington, Ft. Worth, and Dallas go 18 years of age and up at 9 p.m. while Denton goes to 21+ and (3) all of our locations go to 21 years of age and up at 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Can I reserve a table, booth, or patio for my party / event at a Free Play location?
@ Richardson: Yes to tables / booths! You may reserve one double table or booth in our dining area. We charge $20 to reserve a double table (6-8 seats) / booth (6 seats). We highly recommend reserving a table / booth for any weekend event as our dining area is often full during the weekend. Table / booth reservations are limited, and first come, first serve. All table / booth reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance.
@ Arlington: Yes to tables / booths/patios! You may reserve one double table (6-8 seats) or booth (6 seats) in our dining area (if you want to reserve a single patio table instead, email – we can usually accommodate if we have an available patio that day). We charge $20 for a reserved table or booth. We highly recommend reserving tables for any weekend event as our dining area is often full during the weekend. We also have two semi-private covered patios that seat ~40 adults (or approaching 60 if your guests are mostly smaller kiddos). A patio can be reserved for $150 for a three-hour event. Patio, booth and table reservations are limited, and first come, first serve. All reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance.
@ Fort Worth: Yes to both! You may reserve one table (6 seats) or one booth (seats 4, possibly 6 if everyone is small) in our dining area. We charge a $20 per reserved table/booth. We highly recommend reserving a table / booth for any weekend event as our indoor seating is often full during the weekend. We also have outdoor seating our side and back downstairs patios, as well as our rooftop patio. Due to seasonally changing rooftop bar service hours and varying weather conditions, we do not generally reserve these in advance, but if your heart is set on it then you may inquire through our Party Inquiry Form. Table / booth reservations are limited, and first come, first serve. All table reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. In addition, we have a semi-private rooftop patio rental available (please see our private event brochure for details).
@ Denton: Yes to booths / table! You may reserve one booth in our upstairs dining area or our large table downstairs (except that our large table is not available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays). We charge $20 to reserve a booth (4-6 seats) and $30 to reserve the large table (seats 10, maybe 12 if you want to squeeze in). We highly recommend reserving a table or booth for any weekend event as our dining area is often full during the weekend. Table / booth reservations are limited, and first come, first serve. All table / booth reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance.
@ Dallas: Yes to tables! You may reserve one table (8 seats) in our dining area. We highly recommend reserving a table for any weekend event as our dining area is often full during the weekend. Table reservations are limited, and first come, first serve. All table reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance.
Can I get more information on the patios at Free Play Arlington and Free Play Fort Worth?
Arlington Patios: Free Play Arlington has 2 separate covered patios on the ground level, one on each side of our main game room. Each patio has a series of picnic tables and a door to the game floor on each end. These patios have shades that can be lowered or raised, ceiling fans, and heaters. In mildly cold or mildly warm weather, the fans / heaters do a great job. In extreme cold or very hot weather it will still feel cold or hot on all patios, including these. Since patio reservations are non-refundable, please consider possible weather conditions prior to booking.
Ft. Worth Patios: Free Play Ft. Worth has an uncovered ground-level side patio and a ground level back patio with picnic tables. Free Play Ft. Worth also has a gorgeous, uncovered, rooftop patio featuring a rooftop tiki bar (which operates specific seasonal hours), an adjacent bathroom, picnic tables (with umbrellas in summer) and a number of 4-top tables. In the summer, the rooftop patio operates strategically-placed misters during service hours. In the cold winter, the rooftop patio operates heaters during service hours. Please note that these patios are all outdoor spaces. While the misters / breeze and heaters do a great job, there is a limit to their efficacy in extremely cold or hot weather. Please consider possible weather conditions before planning an event on these (or any) patios.
Can I reserve more than 1 table/booth for my non-private party / event?
Apologies, but probably not. Unless you have a private rental, we limit reservations to one table / booth. The good news is that guests rarely want to spend much time at a table when they can be off playing games instead! Your group is welcome to spill over to additional unused booths and tables as needed to eat, but decorations and similar should be kept to your reserved table so that the other tables can be bussed and made available to other guests once everyone goes back off to play. If you are pre-ordering a large volume of food and concerned it won’t fit on your table, please reach out to regarding solutions!
Do I have to reserve a table / booth for my event?
A table reservation is not required except if you are pre-ordering food (we have to have a place to put the food!)
What if I reserve a table / booth but there are plenty of empty tables when I arrive?
Each day at Free Play is different and we do not know in advance whether there will be empty unreserved tables or not (although we can tell you that our tables often fill up, particularly on the weekends). When you make a table / booth reservation, we guarantee that you will have the agreed upon table(s) for your party (and we will place table tent reservations on your table and our staff will have advance knowledge of your party).
When you reserve a table you are taking the chance that the arcade will be slow and the reservation turns out to be unnecessary. When you choose not to reserve a table you are taking the chance that the arcade is busy and table access is limited. Keeping those risks in mind, you know your party best and should make your table reservation decision accordingly. No matter what, we’re going to work hard to make your event a success.
Can I buy drink tickets for a non-private party / event?
Yes! Alcoholic drink tickets are $8 per drink ticket and include all available beverages priced $9 or less. Soda drink tickets are $3 per ticket and can be used for any non-alcoholic beverage priced $4 or less. You must purchase a minimum of 10 of any type of drink tickets for your party. Drink tickets may be pre-ordered or purchased on-site. Please note that all drink tickets are non-refundable.
Do I have to buy drink tickets for an event?
Absolutely not! Drink tickets are only offered for your convenience.
Can my alcoholic drink tickets be used for sodas?
Yes! However, please be aware that we do not have a soda fountain, and therefore we do not offer bottomless sodas. Drink tickets can be used to purchase one bottled soda (but we do have some really neat craft sodas in addition to the retro real-sugar, glass-bottled options).
Can I buy beverages for my non-private party / event if I don’t order drink tickets?
Yes! All available beverage options are available for your purchase at their regular menu prices (our drink menu rotates daily, but a sample drink menu is available online with our party information sheets once you select your location). And complimentary self-serve ice water is always available. If you’d like, you can open up a tab for your party’s beverages.
What food is available for my non-private party / event?
Please see your selected venue’s event brochure for party platter options. Additionally, our regular menu is available for pre-order or purchase during regular open hours (you can find our current menu online with our party information sheets).
What should I know about pre-ordering food for my non-private party / event?
If you’d like to provide food for your guests, pre-ordering food is the best way to ensure that your food arrives when your party needs it. Pre-ordered food must be ordered and paid for at least 48 hours prior to service. Please pre-order food through our self-service online booking system, unless you are a tax-exempt organization, in which case please email with your selections and tax-exempt form. Please note that pre-orders are non-refundable. If you need to add additional food to a pre-existing reservation, please email Gayle for assistance (but please note that all add-ons must be finalized and paid for at least 48 hours in advance of your event).
What if we just want to order food once we show up for the party / event?
That’s perfectly fine, provided you want to order from our regular menu (party platters must be ordered and paid for at least 48 hours in advance). Please just take into consideration that it may take some time to prepare a large food order without advanced notice. Additionally, please be aware that our kitchens close at 10pm on days we close at 11pm and midnight on days we close at 2am, so plan accordingly.
Do I have to order food for my non-private party / event?
Absolutely not (although it is delicious)!
Can I bring my own music, DJ, or band for a non-private party / event?
Probably not, but if you have an exceptionally awesome proposal that will augment and not detract from others’ use of the arcade you are welcome to ask (example of a successful ask: a party wanted to extend our regular Friday night Arlington DJ’s set at their cost – which was awesome). Be aware that before you ask us for permission for specific music or video programming, you need clearance from all licensing agencies implicated by your selections. As a consolation, our standard programming consists of a curated selection primarily containing 80s new wave with retro top-40, hip-hop, and modern synthwave (and it’s awesome.)
Can I bring in a cake or other outside food/drink for my non-private party / event?
Celebratory desserts, such as cake, are permitted. Ice cream cakes are permitted, but ice cream outside of a cake is not. We have plain black plates and forks available free of charge if you choose to use them. Any other outside food or drink is not permitted.
Can I decorate for a non-private party / event?
Tablecloths, themed plates and napkins, party favors, and balloon bouquets are great. Anything that needs to be hung on the wall is not allowed. We want your party to be memorable but not due to the damage it causes to our facilities!
Also please be mindful of other arcade guests when planning and setting up your decorations. If your group is spreading out to more than a single or reserved table, please condense decorations down if and when everyone disappears to play games so that the additional tables can then be bussed and made available to other guests. If you have any questions, we’re happy to help!
Can I pre-pay for my non-private party / event?
Definitely. Table reservations, pre-ordered food, party favors, etc. must be booked and paid for at least 48 hours in advance. Admissions do not have to be paid in advance (and it often makes sense to wait because you only need to pay for your actual attendance). But if you do want to pay for admissions, regular menu items, etc. in advance, we would be happy to invoice you. Please note, however, that all pre-ordered items, including pre-paid admissions are non-refundable (although we can give you a pass for a return visit if any remain unused). Please contact Gayle through our Party Inquiry Form to arrange it.
I had fewer guests show up than expected and don’t need that second wave of food I pre-ordered. Can I get a refund?
To make certain we can get deliver your food as expected, our kitchens prep pre-ordered food specifically for your event. As a result, we do not offer refunds for pre-ordered food (and indeed pre-orders generally). However, we would be happy to box up your food for you to take with you!
If I do not pre-pay for my non-private party/event, but I am covering my guests’ admissions, food, and/or drink what are my options?
If you are paying for your guests’ admissions, please arrive a few minutes early so we can start a tab. Similarly, we will run a tab for food and/or drinks per your instructions. Please note we must have a credit card physically on file in order to run a tab.
Will there be a service charge for my non-private event?
Free Play charges a $5.00 Service Charge on all table reservations and a 20% Service Charge on all pre-ordered food and beverages. Your service charge includes standard staff and gratuity. If you would like to include additional gratuity, whether before or after your event, please let us know.